There have been a lot of major world events in 2011, with many earthquakes, floods, deaths and wars. so in the grand scheme of things my year has not been as bad as it could have been, but it has definitely not been one of my better years. Rather than ramble on about the past year I decided to showcase my artistic talents and express my inner feelings and emotions by drawing them.
I am sure you will agree my flair for drawing is outstanding. So as you can see I have been fairly happy for most of the year, although July was a tricky one, should really have drawn a more worried face for half that month. Anyway as any good football commentator would say "it's been a game of two halves". The first half started out well and looked promising but the second half just all went a bit shit really.
I am hoping that 2012 will be a bit kinder. People laugh when I say it but I think that years with even numbers are better than the odd ones so fingers crossed.
Happy Hogmanay. Enjoy.
Peace x
All photos by Caroline Harvey