Saturday 11 February 2012

Scottish Mining Museum.

Today I was participating in a photography workshop at the Scottish Mining Museum run by Sean Bell. I have never been to the museum before so it was a good way to get to look around at areas that are not usually accessible to the general public. Here are a few photos from my day, not sure if any are particularly good as I think my wee brain was finding it difficult to process quite a lot of information, so the end results are a bit mixed.

All in all though it was a great day and I am in awe of Sean's great photographic abilities.

Half and half.

Rainbow bricks.

It's a sign.

Catalogue man, Nick.

Almost rule of thirds fence.



Cone obsessed.

Peace x

All photographs by Caroline Harvey.

1 comment:

Starstruckbooks said...

Hey, these are fab. Hope your brain is recovering from all the uploaded info and is now mutating it into more sparkling inspirations!