Sunday 8 April 2012

April? Yeah right!

Calendar says it's April.

I think we were all lulled into a false sense of Spring and Summer with that one gorgeous week of warm sunny weather at the end of March. So the snow, hail, wind, rain and cold temps were a bit of a shock this week.  My flat is now especially cold, as I switched my heating off thinking Summer was here and I'll be damned if I am putting it back on.

Weather not so Aprilish.

Anstruther harbour.

Snow on the Pentlands.

Been a long week at work, driven many miles and some very long days, but all good really. Not so grumpy this week, thankfully, and I have a 3 day weekend. So I think I will leave it at that for this post.

Mum's new beautiful garden.

Random earring in my shoe!

Peace x

All photographs by Caroline Harvey.


Unknown said...

We were at Anstruther too, on Saturday. Nice wave.

I'm with you 100% on this - bring back the sun.


Hazel said...

I especially love the randomness of the earring in your shoe. And it's heart-shaped...a sign perhaps?

Unknown said...

@ Nick, I was there on Tuesday in the bad weather hence the big waves.

@ Haze, very random, sign maybe. x